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Christ-Centered Witness –

We believe that knowing Christ and making Him known is the highest calling and privilege given to man. As spiritual leaders, we pursue the primary value of loving God. All ministry with eternal relevance flows out of a vital, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.


Biblical Relevance –

We value the timelessness of God’s Word. The Bible is relevant for addressing the challenges of our post-modern culture. Biblical truth is to be creatively communicated in a contemporary way, making the Word attractive and applicable to this generation.


Personal Integrity –

We embrace the value and priority God gives to heart issues. Giftings and talents are essential for fruitful ministry but must function from a foundation of godly character. Effective leaders manifest a genuine heart of sacrificial love and compassionate servanthood in the context of spirit-empowered ministry.


Ministerial Excellence –

Ministry that reflects unusual excellence honors, God. We believe in exercising good stewardship, utilizing everything entrusted to us to the best of our ability. As we exercise and model ministerial excellence for the glory of God, people we touch are inspired to do the same.


Relationship-Based Affiliation –

Relationship-Based Affiliation – Pursuing meaningful relational connections is essential for all spiritual leaders, and we consider this one of our strong points as a Fellowship. Security and stability are experienced in the context of trusting relationships.


Oversight and Accountability –

GAN is a safe place to submit to your life and ministry. Oversight within the Fellowship does not come from a desire to control, rather it flows from the desire for accountability and relationship from/with our members. Relational trust is the foundation upon which genuine authority and accountability can be most effectively exercised.


Balance –

We are not an extremist organization interested in chasing fads. We believe in a balanced ministry and we emphasize/preach the centrality of the cross.


Church Planting –

As a Fellowship, we try to plant a new church every 12-18 months.


Missions –

We believe strongly in the Great Commission. Knowing that missions are the heart of God, we support mission projects around the world.


Leadership Development and Improvement –

Because we are committed to improving the skill levels of our leaders, we schedule practical workshops and seminars to facilitate growth. Churches and ministries led by healthy, adequately equipped leaders are the most revealing expression of God’s love for the world. We place a priority on providing an environment where leaders are mentored and resourced in practical ways.


Unity With Diversity –

We realize valuing unity does not mean we are all alike. We value unity of purpose (preaching of the cross of Christ) while welcoming diversity of methodology in ministries and churches. We value the richness of fellowship that comes from a complementary blending of diverse giftings, perspectives, and cultures.


Holding to the Bigger Picture –

We do not believe we ARE the Kingdom of God, only a part of it. Our way is not the only way. Because of this, we value unity with diversity (#11 above) and we associate with and are open to teaming with other Believers outside of our Fellowship.



Phone number:
(817) 677-1350



4101 W Green Oaks Blvd #305-242 Arlington, TX 76016

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